High School Programs


The Health Disparities Scholar Institute, funded by the NIMHD Center of Excellence on Health Disparities Research, is a pipeline program that recruits Richmond-area high school and undergraduate students from traditionally underrepresented groups to provide an opportunity for exposure to careers in health services research.

The Program includes both didactic and experiential components designed to (a) identify talented URM high school and undergraduate students, (b) introduce these students to the health professions field, and (c) provide enrichment activities to introduce them to the critical thinking, problem solving, oral and written communication skills, and professionalism necessary to succeed in the health field. 

The program provides a 2-day experience during the Summer. The program consists of 6 hours of lectures, 3.5 hours of hands on experiences, and 2 hours of social networking.


Eligible applicants must be a rising junior or senior high school students or a rising freshman undergraduate students. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or non-citizen national. Proof of citizenship status or resident status will be required before the start of the program.

Application process

Students should apply using the online application, and provide a personal statement indicating career goals and aspirations, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript.

For more information, please contact cohdtraining@vcuhealth.org.

*** Please note, we are not accepting applications for the Health Disparities Research Experience at this time. Please contact the VCU Center on Health Disparities for more information at cohdtraining@vcuhealth.org. ***